Example Course of Study for MSDS Program
Below is an example sequence of classes one could take at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to obtain a Master's in Data Science that is consistent with the department's course offering pattern. It is by no means the only such sequence as student's have choices for the core requirements, and electives.
1st Year Fall
- CS 200W Graduate Technical Writing
- MATH 164 Mathematical Statistics
- CS 156 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
1st Year Spring
- MATH 261A Regression Theory and Methods
- An elective preapporved by the Program Coordinator
- CS 274 Topics in Web Intelligence
2nd Year Fall
- CS 271 Topics in Machine Learning
- MATH 250 Mathematical Data Visualization
- CS 297 Preparation for Writing Project
2nd Year Spring
- CS 157A Introduction to Database Management Systems
- MATH 252 Cluster Analysis
- CS 298 Master's Writing Project