
Students working the ENG192 lab

What Mechanical Engineering Offers

Our hands-on curriculum and projects give students the best opportunity to learn and interact with our faculty. Our graduates work in many diverse industries in the Silicon Valley, including aerospace, medical devices and biotechnology, telecommunications, semiconductor manufacturing and equipment, power generation, and product design.

color image of Dr. Du floating in zero gravity
Zero G Team

Who Should Apply?

Do you like to draw and design things? Are you good at math and science? Have you ever wondered how the engine in your car works, or how products are designed, or how robotics are controlled? If so, you should consider an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. If you already hold an undergraduate degree, and you want to take your knowledge to the next level, take a look at our Master of Science degree program. Our graduate program caters to working professionals with evening classes and a practical, project-based curriculum.

Upcoming Events


color image of gold balloons spelling the word 'alumni'

Advice from Alumni

Check out advice from our BSME graduate (3-7 years after graduation that was collected in the Summer of 2020

Exoskeleton project

Dr. Sharifi's NSF Award

Dr. Mojtaba Sharifi (an ME faculty member) has received an NSF award from the Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering (DARE) program for enhancing the autonomy and safety of lower-limb exoskeletons to assist humans in locomotion and other activities. With this award, he will hire 4-6 graduate students and waive their tuition (in 2023, 2024, and 2025) during the semesters having ME 295A, ME 295B, and ME 299 to conduct this multidisciplinary research on the intelligent control of lower-limb exoskeletons (including Exo-H3 shown above). 

Learn more!

picture of Ali Tohidi testfying to Congress

Dr. Tohidi at Capitol Hill

Our very own Dr. Ali Tohidi addressed the House Science Committee at Capitol Hill to explain how the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center's modeling and research enhances fire weather prediction and helps better equip firefighting responses. 

See Dr. Tohidi's testimony

a group photo of the ME Department Scholarship recipients and ME Faculty

ME Alumni Recognition and Scholarship Event

On May 11th, we had to opportunity to celebrate our 2023 Scholarship Recipients as well as the generous donors who made the awards possible, and to whom we would like to extend the deepest thanks for their kindness.

We had the chance to honor Mark A. Pasquale, our ME Distinguished Alumnus of the Year, whom we would like to thank for his many contributions to the department as an experienced industry professional.

At the event, our guests were able to explore various Senior Design projects and voted to select the ME Senior Design Project of the Year. To that end, we would like to congratulate the Electric Conversion module for winning first place, and to the Exoskeleton team, who won first runner-up!

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who attended this event and made it a true celebration of ingenuity, achievement, and generosity.

Baja club member working on car

Spartan Racing and Spartan Racing Baja in the News!

We're super excited to see our Spartan Racing and Spartan Racing Baja teams in a new report on ABC 7! Check out the report to see our students' skills in action! 

See the full report

a view of the ME department presentation on ASD

Admitted Spartan Day Spring 2024!

Admitted Spartan Day event was a great success for the ME Department. Many visitors  came to our labs and presentations. Many thanks to Dr. Lin Jiang and her students, the E123 machine shop students coordinated by Doan, the FSAE student club members, and big thanks to Lydie going from lab to lab to talk with visitors.
It looks like we will have a large freshmen enrollment this Fall!

Our ASD Presentation